
[OIII] wing velocity dispersion selection >300km/s

Retrieves the HES name, AGN [OIII] wing velocity dispersion, observed IFU data cube and high-level products maps for all targets with a velocity dispersion of the [OIII] 5007 wing in the AGN spectrum greater than 300 km/s

SELECT agn.hes_name, agn.wing_sigma, ifu.observed, ifu.maps_full
    cars_dr1.agn_parameters AS agn,
    cars_dr1.ifu_observations AS ifu
WHERE agn.target_id = ifu.target_id AND agn.wing_sigma > 300

BPT line construction for CARS target ID 12

Reporting of BPT line ratios with proper cleaning of good data

    log(oiii5007_flux/hbeta_flux) AS "log(oiii_hb)",
    log(nii6583_flux/halpha_flux) AS "log(nii_ha)",
FROM cars_dr1.ifu_datatable_unbinned
WHERE target_id=12
    AND (oiii5007_flux/oiii5007_flux_err)>3
    AND (nii6583_flux/nii6583_flux_err)>3
    AND (hbeta_flux/hbeta_flux_err)>3
    AND (halpha_flux/halpha_flux_err)>3
    AND (gas_vel_err<20)
    AND (gas_fwhm_err<30)

BH mass in comparison to ENLR maximum size

Retrieves the target id, HES name, log BH mass, maximum size of the ENLR in kpc and the logarithm of it for all objects where the ENLR is measured and greater than 0.0

    agn.target_id, agn.hes_name, agn.log_bh_mass, host.enlr_max_kpc,
    log(host.enlr_max_kpc) AS "log_enlr_max_kpc"
    cars_dr1.agn_parameters AS agn,
    cars_dr1.host_properties AS host
WHERE agn.target_id = host.target_id AND host.enlr_max_kpc > 0.0

Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) for target HE0040-1105

Collect integrated panchromatic photometry from the UV to FIR for a single target from the CARS database

    phot_band, phot_centwave, phot_flux, phot_flux_error, phot_flux_limit,
    log(phot_centwave) AS log_centwave,
    log(phot_flux) AS log_phot_flux 
FROM cars_dr1.photometry
WHERE hes_name = 'HE0040-1105'

Retrieve AGN lumionsities from BLR and X-ray measurements

List the bolometric luminosity based on the Hbeta BLR component and the soft X-ray lumionsity

    tar.hes_name, tar.soft_x_flux,
    tar.lum_dist, agn.log_agn_lum,
    log(4*pi())+log(tar.soft_x_flux)-12+2*log(tar.lum_dist*3.086e24) AS log_soft_x_lum
    cars_dr1.targets AS tar,
    cars_dr1.agn_parameters AS agn
WHERE tar.target_id = agn.target_id