CARS [OIII] spectroastrometry (cars_dr1.spectroastrometry)

The table has 36 rows, 36 columns.


Results of the spectroastrometry analysis of the circumnuclear [OIII] emission.


If you have used CARS data in your research, please use the following acknowledgement:

This work has made use of the Close AGN Reference survey data.

More information can be found on the credit and citation instructions page.


Name Type UCD Unit Description
target_id short
Unique identifier for the CARS target
hes_name char src
Official designator from the Hamburg/ESO survey (HES)
vel_oiii5007_core_fixed float spect.dopplerVeloc.opt km/s Absolute radial velocity of [OIII] core component as cz
vel_oiii5007_core_fixed_err float stat.error
km/s Standard error of absolute radial velocity of [OIII] core component as cz
fwhm_oiii5007_core_fixed float spect.line.width km/s FWHM of the [OIII] core component
fwhm_oiii5007_core_fixed_err float stat.error
km/s Standard error of FWHM of the [OIII] core component
vel_oiii5007_wing_fixed float spect.dopplerVeloc.opt km/s Absolute radial velocity of [OIII] wing component as cz
vel_oiii5007_wing_fixed_err float stat.error
km/s Standard error of absolute radial velocity of [OIII] wing component as cz
fwhm_oiii5007_wing_fixed float spect.line.width km/s FWHM of the [OIII] wing component
fwhm_oiii5007_wing_fixed_err float spect.line.width km/s FWHM of the [OIII] wing component
psf_fwhm_major float instr.det.psf
arcsec FWHM of the Moffat model PSF along the major axis
psf_fwhm_major_err float stat.error
arcsec Standard error of FWHM of the Moffat model PSF along the major axis
psf_fwhm_minor float instr.det.psf
arcsec FWHM of the Moffat model PSF along the minor axis
psf_fwhm_minor_err float stat.error
arcsec Standard error of FWHM of the Moffat model PSF along the minor axis
psf_beta float instr.det.psf
beta parameter for the Moffat model PSF
psf_beta_err float stat.error
Standard error of beta parameter for the Moffat model PSF
psf_ellipticity float instr.det.psf
ellipticity of the Moffat model PSF
psf_ellipticity_err float stat.error
Standard error ellipticity of the Moffat model PSF
psf_pa float instr.det.psf,obs.param Position angle of the Moffat model PSF
psf_pa_err float stat.error
Standard error of position angle of the Moffat model PSF
delta_x_wing_arcsec float pos.angDistance arcsec positional offset between spatial [OIII] wing and BLR emission in RA direction based on point-source PSF fitting
delta_x_wing_arcsec_err float stat.error
arcsec Standard error of positional offset between spatial [OIII] wing and BLR emission in RA direction based on point-source PSF fitting
delta_y_wing_arcsec float pos.angDistance arcsec positional offset between spatial [OIII] wing and BLR emission in DEC direction based on point-source PSF fitting
delta_y_wing_arcsec_err float stat.error
arcsec Standard error of positional offset between spatial [OIII] wing and BLR emission in DEC direction based on point-source PSF fitting
offset_wing_arcsec float pos.angDistance arcsec absolute positional offset between spatial [OIII] wing and BLR emission based on point-source PSF fitting
offset_wing_arcsec_err float stat.error
arcsec Standard error of absolute positional offset between spatial [OIII] wing and BLR emission based on point-source PSF fitting
delta_x_core_arcsec float pos.angDistance arcsec positional offset between spatial [OIII] core and BLR emission in RA direction based on point-source PSF fitting
delta_x_core_arcsec_err float stat.error
arcsec Standard error of positional offset between spatial [OIII] core and BLR emission in RA direction based on point-source PSF fitting
delta_y_core_arcsec float pos.angDistance arcsec positional offset between spatial [OIII] core and BLR emission in DEC direction based on point-source PSF fitting
delta_y_core_arcsec_err float stat.error
arcsec Standard error of positional offset between spatial [OIII] core and BLR emission in DEC direction based on point-source PSF fitting
offset_core_arcsec float pos.angDistance arcsec Absolute positional offset between spatial [OIII] core and BLR emission based on point-source PSF fitting
offset_core_arcsec_err float stat.error
arcsec Standard error of absolute positional offset between spatial [OIII] core and BLR emission based on point-source PSF fitting
p_value_wing float stat.value p-value of the test comparing the PSF ressiduals with those of the [OIII] wing PSF model residuals
r_flux_wing float arith.ratio flux ratio of Moffat model flux devided by the aperture flux of this spectroscopic component
compact_wing boolean src.class Classifiction if the [OIII] emission appears spatially compact (agrees with PSF) or not
file_maps char meta.file
Path to the FITS file with the spectroastrometric maps