CARS AGN host galaxy morphologies (cars_dr1.host_morphology)

The table has 41 rows, 19 columns.


Visual AGN host galaxy morphologies and basic parameters.


If you have used CARS data in your research, please use the following acknowledgement:

This work has made use of the Close AGN Reference survey data.

More information can be found on the credit and citation instructions page.


Name Type UCD Unit Description
target_id short

Unique identifier for the CARS target

hes_name char src

Official designator from the Hamburg/ESO survey (HES)

frac_votes_bulge float src.morph

Fraction of votes for a bulge-dominated system

frac_votes_disc float src.morph

Fraction of votes for a disc-dominated system

frac_votes_irregular float src.morph

Fraction of votes for a irregular system

tot_votes_morph int meta.number

Total number of votes on morphology

frac_votes_barred float src.morph

Fraction of votes for a barred system

frac_votes_unbarred float src.morph

Fraction of votes for a unbarred system

frac_votes_bar_uncertain float src.morph

Fraction of votes for a uncertain bar classification

tot_votes_bar int meta.number

Total votes for the barredness of the system

frac_votes_companion float src.morph

Fraction of votes for nearby companion galaxies

frac_votes_tidalfeatures float src.morph,

Fraction of votes for apparent tidal features of the galaxy

frac_votes_isolated float src.morph

Fraction of votes for an isolated galaxy

tot_votes_interacting int meta.number

Total votes on galaxy interactions

class_morph char src.morph

Classification of galaxy based on majority vote

class_barred char src.morph

Classification of galaxy barredness based on majority vote

host_r_major_arcsec float phys.angSize.smajAxis arcsec

Major axis down to 24.5mag r-band surface brightness in arcsec

host_r_major_kpc float phys.angSize.smajAxis kpc

Major axis down to 24.5mag r-band surface brightness in kpc

host_axis_ratio float phys.size.axisRatio

Axis ratio of the minor/major axis at 24.5mag r-band surface brightness